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CruzinPort 2025
Cruz American Graffiti Blvd., Port Jervis, NY
17th Year Anniversary
Here they are, Few But Fair
1. Registration for judging is $20 and will begin at 5:00 pm.
2. Registration will take place from 5 - 6:15 at the Registration Table.
3. Judges will then judge registered cars.
4. Please open and close your own hood during judging (if desired).
5. We must leave the street open for emergency vehicles.
6. No burn outs or wheelies!!!
7. Abide by "The Car Show Creed"!
Car Show creed
I solemnly swear, I will be a good sport!
I won't whine or complain
if I don't win an award!
I will always remember that this
is suppoesed to be fun!
It's not life or death, it's a hobby!
So help me God!

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